
Monday 11 April 2011

Speedy, gooey chocolate pudding

When I started this blog we made the decision to not include our names, so I decided to be shoeboxgirl and I thought I'd just refer to my husband as my husband. However, that doesn't appear to be working as my Mum keeps teasing me about it. So I'm going to refer to him as Mr X from now on - I call him this as in his opinion, he is an expert on every subject - including my cooking :)

On Friday night, Mr X went to the football. I had an absolutely terrible day at work, got home late, missed the gym, and really had the urge for something chocolatey. But just a piece/row/block of chocolate wasn't going to cut it - I needed something like cake... and fast.

There are a few "five minute" pudding recipes floating round on the internet, so I thought I would try one for myself. Here is my recipe below. I was pretty happy with it - it was chocolatey, moist, and gooey. 

Serves - 1 large serving, or 2 small.
  • 2 tbs almond meal
  • 2 tbs flour (I used corn flour)
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 5 tbs brown sugar
  • 1 tbs cocoa
  • 1 egg
  • pinch salt
  • splash vanilla extract
  • 3 tbs milk
  • 3 tbs oil (I used rice bran oil)
  • 6 left over wedding chocolates - or a couple of squares of any chocolate
Mix almond meal, flour, baking powder, coca and salt in a microwave safe bowl. Add egg, milk, oil, vanilla extract and mix well. Add in chocolates.

If you are eating it all yourself, stick the bowl in the microwave on medium for 1 minute. Leave it for a few seconds, then microwave for a further 40 seconds on medium if you like it gooey (like I do!) or a little longer if you want it more cake-like.

If it is for two people (and you don't want to share the one pudding), split the mixture into two separate microwave safe mugs, and microwave as above.

Yum! And less than 5 minutes to make!

Variations I want to try:
  • I used almond meal and corn flour because I wanted it gluten free, but you could just use 4 tbs of plain flour, etc.
  • Make butterscotch pudding by replacing cocoa with extra sugar
  • White sugar instead of brown
  • White chocolate or nutella instead of chocolate
  • Apple puree to replace egg
  • An even more gooey version, by adapting a chocolate self saucing pudding recipe!


Anonymous said...

Has Mr X eaten all the "speedy gooey chocolate pudding" or will some be dropped off, like the banana muffins were?

Amy said...

No ... I ate it!!