
Tuesday 15 March 2011

The start of something new

Hi, I live in a small unit (shoebox size) in a Melbourne beach side suburb with my husband and our dog. 
We recently got married and as most brides-to-be do, I organized our wedding. I like being busy, planning and organizing things and always having something to work towards. So after all the wedding planning I was left scrambling to find a new project to work on.
I have always been interested in food and enjoy researching and experimenting with cooking ideas and recipes. Specifically flavour combinations, differences in methods, and ingredient substitutions/additions really fascinate me. 
The fascination probably stems from cooking and baking memories I have from my childhood. Baking pancakes from a long ago memorised recipe with my Dad on weekends. Making them runny and under-cooked - just the way we liked them. Or memories of baking cinnamon pinwheels with my best friend during school holidays from a basic scone recipe with jam, cinnamon and pink icing. Yum!
My favourite book is “Beach Music” by Pat Conroy. I first read it when I was 12 years old, and I re-read it every year. I find I read it in times when I need something comforting or comfortable - the pages are well worn and dog eared (I have read it more than 14 times so far). I picked it up again to read last night and I realized that even this book features a strong connection with food. 

So hear I am, starting my own blog. I’m not sure anyone will read it, but that’s not the point. I have a few goals that I am setting before I get started.
  • Recreate or find a similar recipe to our wedding cake (chocolate brownie cake with a hard, white, fabulous tasting thick white icing). It was fabulous and addictive!
  • Master the art of sweet pastry baking
  • Find a fabulous ginger and lime cake or muffin recipe (I have been having serious cravings for this flavour combination lately)
  • Strive to make healthy alterations to favourite recipes without compromising taste!
Hopefully I'll succeed!
From shoeboxgirl :)


Anonymous said...

I love the new layout and recipes!

Shane said...

Your cupcakes today were awesome, welcome back.